Greetings from Afghanistan,
There is every indication that this war will become worse than I saw in Iraq. Very dangerous here. Too much happening to explain quickly. Will require ongoing series of dozens of dispatches. (Am on it.) Would need 24/7 head-cam to truly capture this.
Meanwhile, please see this very interesting dispatch: Do Americans Care about British Soldiers?
Your Writer,
Michael Yon
PS Please sign up for my updates at "Michael_Yon" (not Michael Yon).
Please remember that this website accepts no advertisement and is dependent on your support.
Please send any regular mail for Michael to:
Michael Yon
P.O. Box 5553
Winter Haven, Fl 33880
19 August 2009
Helmand Province, Afghanistan
A gunshot ripped through the darkness and a young British soldier fell dying on FOB Jackson. I was just nearby talking on the satellite phone and saw the commotion. The soldier was taken to the medical tent and a helicopter lifted him to the excellent trauma center at Camp Bastion. That he made it to Camp Bastion alive dramatically improved his chances. But his life teetered and was in danger of slipping away. Making matters worse, the British medical system back in the United Kingdom did not possess the specialized gear needed to save his life. Americans had the right gear in Germany, and so the British soldier was put into the American system.
British officers in his unit, 2 Rifles, wanted to track their man every step of the way, and to ensure that his family was informed and supported in this time of high stress. Yet having their soldier suddenly in the American system caused a temporary glitch in communications with folks in Germany. The British leadership in Sangin could have worked through the glitch within some hours, but that would have been hours wasted, and they wanted to know the status of their soldier now. So a British officer in Sangin – thinking creatively –asked if I knew any shortcuts to open communications. The right people were only an email away: Soldiers Angels. And so within about two minutes, these fingers typed an email with this subject heading: CALLING ALL ANGELS.
Soldiers’ Angels Shelle Michaels and MaryAnn Phillips moved into action. Day by day British officers mentioned how Soldiers Angels were proving to be incredibly helpful. The soldiers expressed deep and sincere appreciation. Yet again, the Angels arrived during a time of need.
The severely wounded soldier, whose name I will not print without explicit permission, is recovering in the United Kingdom.
Two or three weeks after the injury, I was having dinner with a British Major and several Captains. The Major talked reverently about Soldiers Angels, and then about a herculean effort that the United States military extended to save a single British soldier. I had no idea about that effort. I just heard the gunshot, saw the soldier carried away into the night, and heard the helicopter roar into the darkness. I knew Soldiers’ Angels had intervened back in Germany, but the details that followed came as incredible surprise. The U.S. military had quietly moved Heaven and Earth to save a single British “Squaddie.”
Please read the following description, authored in part by Soldiers’ Angel MaryAnn Phillips:
In late July, a British Soldier deployed in Afghanistan sustained life-threatening wounds to the abdomen and chest. I alluded to him in this post, but his identity has not yet been made public.
The article quoted below describes the extraordinary (and to my knowledge unprecedented) efforts made to save his life. It is a testimony to the advancements made in the technological, logistical, and medical fields. But most of all, it is a testimony to the commitment of the many to care for the needs of the one.
Here is a summary of the medical, logistic, and air assets involved in this incredibly complex mission. It is almost certainly incomplete.
Air Force Aeromedical Evacuation Teams Give British Soldier Fighting Chance - (Source: US Air Force; issued August 4, 2009)
- One C-17 aircraft to get the medical team and equipment from Germany in place at the hospital in Afghanistan.
- One C-130 aircraft to fly a pulmonologist from a different hospital in Afghanistan to the Soldiers’ location.
- A second C-17 aircraft to fly the patient from Afghanistan to Ramstein Air Base in Germany.
- LifeBird German civilian medevac helicopter to fly the patient from Ramstein Air Base to Regensburg University hospital.
- Three C-17 aircrews; four sorties
- LifeBird helicopter aircrew
Medical Teams:
- British, Danish, US surgical team at the hospital in Afghanistan.
- A pulmonologist from a different hospital in Afghanistan flown to the facility where this Soldier was located.
- The Landstuhl Acute Lung Rescue Team (Specialized Critical Care Air Transport)
- The LifeBird medevac team in Germany
- The thoracic surgical and ICU teams at Regensburg University hospital in Germany, for the highly specialized treatment developed and available there.
Logistics Teams:
- Combined Air and Space Operations Center (SW Asia)
- Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center (within the CAOC above, SW Asia)
- Global Patient Movements Requirement Center (Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, USA)
- 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center (Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, USA)
- Landstuhl DWMMC (Deployed Warrior Medical Management Center)
A surgeon at work in an Afghanistan field hospital. At this hospital there is a general team of five surgeons, working with another three orthopaedic surgeons. With anaesthetists, emergency doctors and junior doctors, there could be 20 staff working on a single patient. Photo: Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images.
Air Force aeromedical evacuation teams give British soldier fighting chance
by Capt. Justin Brockhoff618th Tanker Airlift Control Center Public Affairs
8/4/2009 - SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. (AFNS) -- Three Air Force aircraft along with multiple aircrew, aeromedical evacuation teams, and agencies from around the world gave a British soldier a fighting chance at life in late July after the soldier sustained multiple gunshot wounds and had his blood supply replaced more than 10 times at a military hospital in Afghanistan.According to officials, the soldier sustained multiple wounds to the abdomen and chest, and was transfused with 75 units of blood and another 75 units of platelets.
Emergency surgery was conducted to repair the Soldiers’ liver and lung. After being stabilized by the medical teams on the ground, the patient's respiratory condition worsened and doctors determined that the patient had to be moved to upgraded care in Germany.
The Combined Air and Space Operations Center, staffed by U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps and Coalition partners. Built at a cost of $60 million, the project created the most advanced operations center in history. It includes thousands of computers, dozens of servers, racks of video equipment and display screens, over 67 miles of high-capacity and fiber optic cable, and hundreds of people, working in satellite communications, imagery analysis, network design, computer programming, radio systems, systems administration and many other fields.
Officials at the Combined Air and Space Operations Center and Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center at an air base in Southwest Asia, and the Global Patient Movements Requirement Center and 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center at Scott Air Force Base, Ill., immediately started working to find the aircraft, aircrews and medical crews to airlift the soldier to further care.
"We received the call on our operations floor to airlift the British soldier from Afghanistan to Germany and immediately did what we could to make it happen," said Col. John Martins, the 618th TACC director of operations who led coordination efforts for the mission. "It was a complex move. Not only did we have to find a plane and crew to fly the patient out of theater, but also we had to find another plane and aircrew to get the right medical personnel and equipment into Afghanistan because we needed specialized medical teams to care for the patient in-flight."
In less than six hours, a C-17 Globemaster III previously scheduled to fly a cargo mission was airborne with the required medical personnel and equipment from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to Afghanistan.
"We were able to quickly identify a mission that was planned to fly into Afghanistan, and after coordinating with other agencies in the 618th TACC we were able to re-task the mission as an aeromedical evacuation flight," said Maj. Kris Rowe, an aeromedical flight manager. "At the same time, we needed a pulmonologist to be part of the AE team due to the trauma to the Soldiers’ lungs. Working with our counterparts at the CAOC, we were able to get the pulmonologist from a different location in Afghanistan to the Soldiers’ location on a pre-scheduled C-130 (Hercules) mission."
The pulmonologist arrived to the Soldiers’ location and continued to care for him on the ground, while the C-17 carrying the medical teams and specialized lung equipment were still en-route on the eight-hour flight from Germany.
Because of crew duty day restrictions, safety regulations that dictate how long an aircrew can be on-duty before they're required to rest, the original C-17 aircrew couldn't stay the six hours it would take the lung team to prepare the soldier on the ground, and still fly the mission back to Germany. Instead, once they arrived, the C-17 and its crew were able to wait on the ground for just over an hour while nine other patients, in addition to two amputees previously picked up during a fuel stop, were on-loaded for a flight to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, near Ramstein AB.
Once they had dropped off the medical crews and equipment to stabilize the British soldier, and its 11 new patients were prepped for flight, the first C-17 took off back for Germany. Its mission was complete.
A C-17 Globemaster III, like the one pictured here, aeromedically evacuated a British soldier in late July from Afghanistan to Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Before the soldier could be evacuated, an additional C-17 and a C-130 Hercules were needed to airlift specialized medical teams and equipment into place. U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Clay Lancaster.
Enter the second C-17 and aircrew, assigned to the 385th Air Expeditionary Group, who were also previously scheduled to fly a cargo mission in Afghanistan. Officials at the 618th TACC delivered a similar notification that they'd been re-tasked to be involved in the lifesaving effort.
"The patient was loaded on the second C-17 and airborne within 22 hours of receiving the call for support at the 618th TACC," said Master Sgt. Keyser Voigt, an aeromedical evacuation mission controller at the 618th TACC.
"When you look at the requirements we had, its awe inspiring to see how many people will come together to save one life. It took two airplanes to get the medical team and equipment in place, another to fly the patient to Germany, three aircrews, four sorties, AE personnel and many more coordinating on the ground to get this done. Including the fact that we had to fly in specialized teams and equipment from eight-plus hours away and it took a minimum of six hours on the ground to prepare the patient using that specialized equipment, everyone involved did absolutely everything we could to give this soldier the care he deserves."
At approximately 1 p.m. local time Aug. 2, the British soldier landed safely at Ramstein AB and was flown to further medical care at a university hospital by helicopter.
"It's a true testament to the aircrews, the medical crews, and the ground personnel around the world and at the airfield that we could get this soldier out of Afghanistan so fast," said Lt. Col. Duncan Smith, the 618th TACC's Aeromedical Evacuation Division chief. "It is truly amazing to see this coordination take place in such a short amount of time, because we're literally coordinating these moves from a world away. We are in the business of saving lives, and we will do everything we can to reach that goal."
As of press time, the soldier was still at the university hospital in Germany, where he was listed in critical condition.
This movement marked the 8,563 patient movement by U.S. Air Force aeromedical evacuation teams in 2009, and the 135,233 since April 1, 2003.
(emphasis added)
As of today, almost 10 days after this story was written, the Soldier remains in Germany where his condition is stable. He may be able to fly home to the UK soon.
The doctors say it's a miracle.
I'd say it's probably close to a thousand miracles: A miracle for each of the many who came together to meet the needs of the one...
MaryAnn Phillips
Vice President, Warrior Medical Support Europe
Soldiers' Angels main web site:
Soldiers' Angels Germany blog:
*** New shipping address ***
Attn: Soldiers' Angels
CMR 402
APO AE 09180
*** New shipping address ***
Post Script from Michael Yon:
Soldiers’ Angel MaryAnn Phillips emailed to me:
“I thought you might be interested in this. Incredibly, [British Soldier] is actually beginning to do quite well. He has regained consciousness and may be able to be transported to the UK within the next week.
While at Regensburg hospital with his mom […] right after she arrived here, I told her about some of this. She broke down and couldn't believe "all of those people would do all that for my son". It was a very, very moving moment.Take care of yourself, Michael.
I cannot operate in the war without your support. If support does not substantially increase, I will be forced to abandon war reporting in September. There has seldom been much interest in the Afghanistan war. True interest has been starkly reflected in the support for this mission. Each journey into Afghanistan, since 2006, has bled out resources from my operations. Reporting from Afghanistan is not sustainable at this rate.
Nevertheless, I continue to crack on: Please consider signing up for free Twitter updates at Michael_Yon (not Michael Yon without the underscore), for the most timely snippets possible.You can help support this mission through paypal, all major credit cards, or e-check.
Do Americans Care About British Soldiers
The Value of Life
Time is everything and someone's life hangs in the balance. The professionalism of all is beyond compare.
I have the greatest respect and appreciation for the effort that the United Kingdom has committed in support of the War On Terror (not a politically correct term these days). Their young men and women are fighting the good fight and falling just as are Americans and others. The United States Military has one of the most comprehensive and efficient Emergency Medical System in the world today. It is seamless. As a former DustOff Pilot I know that every man and woman involved in that system executes a level of personal commitment and professionalism to every patient that passes through their doosr. The use of the helicopter for evac began in Korea, was greatly enhanced during Vietnam and has continued to excel to where it is today.
May God Bless and Protect each and every man and woman on the battlefield today - British, Canadian and American and all others alike. We are all brothers and sisters in the fight against evil at home and in far away places. I thank each and everyone of you for your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your family. We shall never be able to repay the debt we all owe to your heroism.
DustOff 18
Heaven and Earth
I served in the USAF in the UK. Michael, please let the Brits know that the answer to your question is: Yes, with the hearts of true Brothers.
You Bet We Care!
Do Americans care for the Brits?
We Do Care
Holy Souls
Another important story
Just wanted to mention that the C-17 is one of the finest planes that Douglas ever made, almost on par with the DC-3. Allowing that company to fold into Boeing was a mistake and actually a detriment to what was an important part of the US economy. Anyway, every article I see about the C-17 just confirms my notion that we made a big mistake in stopping production of that beast!
Stay safe Michael and keep those guys apprised of our support.
Words cannot convey the thanks that are due
Michael, it is a privilege to support your mission. Thank you for all you do, in the meantime keep your head down.
Full Circle
A couple of years back we contacted Soldiers Angles in America because our own son was serving in the British Army in Iraq and then Afghanistan and said how generous the US Soldiers were. We thought about how American mums and dads must have been going through the same things we were and so we wanted to make a friendly touch. SA sent us the name and address of a US Marine who turned out to be a source of fun and joy. At the end of his tour he sent us a video of his time in Iraq which we treasure.
When we first tried to send our US Marine in Iraq a parcel we had a helluva struggle with the German post office who wouldn't deliver it to Ramstein then the British Post Office who couldn't connect with APO numbers. Then we had a cunning plan - we pretended that our US Marine was a British soldier attached to an American unit. Ahah! Suddenly the post office found how to get a parcel through and though it cost us an arm and a leg we got a cheerful E mail one day to say it had arrived. Perhaps we'll have to go to jail for lying to the post office and the fact that we kept on lying? All this just reflects the poor communications we same to have even though we are fighting the same war. Do we ever learn?
Rear Admiral US Navy. US Defense Attache to the United Kingdom
Americans care for a lot of people around the world!
Thank you!
With love from America.
The Special Partnership
Stronger Together
My answer....."same reason the mission priests kept returning to indian country."
An aside to readers currently involved in the Air Force - a few years ago there was some discussion about developing a supersonic business-class (Gulfstream V?) jet. One would think that a transcontinental air ambulance would be an excellent application for such.
Retired Fire Figther (Former US Marine)
I had the privledge and honor of working with the Brittish in Norther Iraq after the first Gulf War. There is not a finer bunch of men. They took care fo us, got us food and had a great sence of humor. After the attacks of September 11th they were the first ones to stand beside us. They have always been there for us and we will always be there for them. To all the Brittish serving with us Semper Fi! you are our true brothers in arms.
An Epic tale with an shamefully small aside hidden within...
Every terrible accident that horrifically hurts and may of utterly ended many lives don't happen because of the medical technology that for the most -if not all- in part came from entrepreneurial Americans developing the skills, equipments, and technology to combat against it. Places like Britain with its socialistic government doesn't have the resources or capability to achieve this.
Will America trade this type of "miracle" for what is now being promised by our government in the coming future? All this praising aside, our tax dollars made this "miracle" happen and don't ever forget that this is why that event ever happened in the first place.
We Belong Together
I will tell this story to everyone I can.
Praying for all of you in harm's way today. Keep your head down.
In my opinion, America has fallen a long ways from where we once were in certain values and standards, but the things I have seen that most Americans still retain and that is that we are still a caring, giving and a helping people. For those traits I am proud of America.
Trackbacked / Linked
Awesome story about coming together for one purpose
Do Americans Care about British Soldiers
Short answer, yes
Jimmy in Clearwater
Yes We Care!
Only freedom.
Thank you soldiers angels.
Don't forget that.
brothers in arms
Amazing testament to goodwill
YES, we do care. We love them too
Yes, Americans love their British brothers
Cheers to all the Brits helping us out in this fight against extremism and oppression. And cheers to the wounded Brit soldier.
God bless America, God bless the United Kingdom, and God bless all you guys in the field. Thanks, Michael, you be safe too!
Some of the nurses and doctors from my unit who are at LARMC in Germany are handling incoming casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan as they arrive by airlift and when they are "on call" for surgeries. Yes, we do care for our allies! Great work as always Michael.
Hell Yes
Many Thanks
Do Americans Care
Dear Mary Ann,
Today happens to be my 64th birthday, and I just finished reading Michael Yon's blog about the efforts of you, Shelle, and many, many more to help the British soldier wounded in Afghanistan. All I can say is what a special birthday present for me, to know that people like y'all (yeah, I'm from Mississippi) exist and that you do what you do. God bless you and Shelle, and all your team at Soldiers Angels. No words can ever express the gratitude of thousands of soldiers and their families, for your special kindness and dedication. You are indeed God's finest Angels.
Greenwood, MS
The Landstuhl Acute Lung Rescue Team and the Novalung System
The one key piece of specialized equipment needed for this particular patient is called the Novalung, which was developed by the University Clinic at Regensburg, Germany. The device is not yet approved for general civilian use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, nor I believe by similar regulators in the UK. In order to be used on military patients from those countries, permission from the Next of Kin must be obtained.
Because Landstuhl Regional Army Medical Center is located in Germany, and because of the expertise gained through treatment of thousands of trauma cases over the past several years, a partnership has developed between US Military physicians and the Regensburg hospital.
The Landstuhl Acute Lung Rescue Team – incorporating the use of the Novalung system – was established in 2005 by husband and wife team U.S. Air Force Col. Warren Dorlac and Lt. Col. Gina Dorlac, former Landstuhl doctors. Col. (Dr.) Dorlac is currently serving in Afghanistan. The current ALRT personnel are doctors, nurses and specialists who work in Landstuhl’s intensive care unit, and are now led by Air Force Lt. Col. (Dr.) Raymond Fang and Air Force Maj. (Dr.) Patrick Allan.
The team is not needed often, but when they are, they leave Landstuhl at a moment's notice to pick up patients requiring this very special treatment. A mission will last about 24 hours, during which they are constantly monitoring the patient's condition - whether remotely or during the return flight.
I cannot think of any civilian equivalent. But to these military medical professionals, doing the monumental - the creation of this team and its technologies, and its implementation when required - is simply fulfilling the mission.
Thank you for making sure their story was told - the story of another kind of "quiet professionals".
Ex British Army, served alongside US forces for over 2 years at HQ AFCENT way back in the early 90's, was impressed then with the close working relationship we had, so glad to see it hasn't changed.
Thank you
And to all the men and women of the United States Armed forces, and supporting organisations and institutions.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for working so very hard to save a british tommie in peril.
And thank you to the angels.
Absolute rubbish of an ignorant comment. Why do you have to spoil a good post with this spiteful drivel. Read up on the NHS military unit In Birmingham which saved my good mate's LIFE. There were many aspects and people involved in this exceotional case and there is no doubt at all that had this been the reverse the excat same herculean efforts would be made for US troops - as indeed they are with many US casualties going through the unit Michael mentions staffed by the British medical teams and paid for out of British taxes. This equipment is exceptional, as is this case. Exceptional is not unique to America or American healthcare by any means. These are the kind of comments that make me feel the reality is, outside of this exception and some of the comments here, no..Americans don't care.
We have, unfortunately, too many ignorant twits such as forlourned who cannot accept this decent, compassionate act for what it is and feel compelled to make it into some worthless political statement.
Choose to ignore the ignorant
Thank you for sharing this incredible example of humankind working together to save a life. Please ignore the ignorant who would use such an example to belittle a healthcare system they do not understand. Praise for "John squaddi" for pointing out the inaccuracies of the criticism of the UK's technology and expertise to provide quality healthcare - that is NOT the point of telling this story, and it should not be politicized by anyone who has a beef with the healthcare debate.
Thank you again for your dedication to telling the whole story.
be well
Yes I Care !
That when all is in chaos around you and an Ally has been struck down, you do not wait for them to raise their hand in need. You grab that hand from the dirt with a conviction of mind and carry them to safety at all costs without regard to your personal sacrifices and well being. Your only goal at that moment in time is to spirit that Ally away from chaos and give them the chance to live again in peace.
There is no debt to be repaid here. This is simply 'The Right Thing To Do' if you live in a Moral Society.
If roles were reversed, and they have been in the past many times, an Ally would do the same and expect nothing in return as well.
I personally have nothing but the Utmost Admiration for my fellow Ally Soldiers in Arms ! God's Speed to this young man and to ALL my fellow Soldiers in Harms way.
May God also Bless all their families.
Maintaining the Moral high ground is not easy or cheap, unfortunately. But it has to be Maintained none the less.
Thanks for your continued reporting.
Interesting twist of history...
As an aside, american readers might be intruiged by this little bit of history. The 2 Rifles' ancestor regiment is the Royal American Regiment. A regular unit that was raised in colonial america in 1756. So it's strangely apt that Michael's piece here focuses on one of them.
Damn straight, Americans care
John squaddi, many of us here in The States (and of course, serving overseas) have long appreciated what England and the Australian, New Zealanders and Canadians mean to freedom across the globe. Since WWI it's been clear, and from what I hear from those serving currently, our mutual respect has never been stronger.
Just as in England you have those on the far-left who are anti-everything, we too have that faction, as well as a lot of folks ignorant of history and of the current danger to society.
I don't think the commenter above was belittling England's committment; rather, it was a slap at internal American politics using a misplaced and uninformed argument.
I'm proud of what ALL of our Troops are doing for our freedom, and the freedom of those who are oppressed by Islamic extremists, extremists who would have us all submit or die.
brothers in arms
Glad to help
Your efforts are commendable. Many Americans admire your courage and determination. Many millions of us are also humbled and grateful for the service, the duty and the courage of all the allied military, no matter their country. Please extend my heartfelt thanks to all the warriors whoput themselves in harms way in order that liberty trumps chaos.
Please extend my thanks and admiration for all the medical personnel, the doctors, the nurses and every person connected with them who struggle to save and repair our brave warriors.
Dick Besser
God Bless All of You
Good on all the folks who saved that young lad's life and took care of his kin besides!
Does America care about a British soldier? I'd say that the proof is in the pudding!
"And St. David..."
It appears that you took one (politically driven) post and made a generalization about most Americans. I too find these post to be in poor taste, however, have no ability to make them go away. The citizens of our two countries are not so different. I am sure that there are British who would also take a heart warming story like this and twist it for their own political purpose. Should I take their comments as an indicator of the way all British think? I personally would not, but just saying. I tend to put more weight in all of the other commenters, some who have served alongside soldiers from our allies. Please don't minimize what they are saying by focusing on the negative.
I hope this soldier is able to make a quick recover and return to his family. I am thankful that the technology and enormous teamwork existed to save this soldiers life. It really doesn't really matter to me about who did what.
To answer Michael's question...without a doubt!!
The "Devils Advocate" on this wonderful story
An incredible story which shocked even the British Army to the extent the US was willing to go to to save a British soldier.
And while I am very glad the USAF did all this without even hesitating because it was not US soldier, it shows a glaring problem with the USAF. It is either the biggest and best and 100% solution in aircraft or nothing.
Below is a small part from that article:
- One C-17 aircraft to get the medical team and equipment from Germany in place at the hospital in Afghanistan.
- One C-130 aircraft to fly a pulmonologist from a different hospital in Afghanistan to the Soldiers’ location.
- A second C-17 aircraft to fly the patient from Afghanistan to Ramstein Air Base in Germany.
- LifeBird German civilian medevac helicopter to fly the patient from Ramstein Air Base to Regensburg University hospital.
The first and third item. In the old days the USN and USAF had converted DC-8 medi-vac aircraft with even a small operating room in it. Now they have to use a C-17 whether it is one man lightly wounded or 15 men in critical condition. There is no in between. The USAF does not want to fund the in between that could do the job (and at higher transit speed most likely) because they want the funds for the C-17 (ie like the trap the USMC is in with the MV-22 tilt rotor now).
The second item. They used a C-130 to fly one person inside Afghanistan. And probably at a slower speed that a good "large" business turbo prob could have done or even a small turbo prob tactical transport. One USAF who did not want his name used said in Iraq that he thought it was ridiculous to use a C-130 to fly one pallet of supplies that was less than 1/10 the standard load and range of the C-130 But that was the only choice.
Finally, not to say the USAF did not do the right thing. It would have been right if they used five C-17s and two B-1 bombers. But just because you have over kill does not mean you should not look at alternatives with smaller aircraft.
Jack E. Hammond
More Rubbish About British
One member claims that the US had to move in to save that one British soldier because the British could not do it because they are socialists and lack that good old capitalist ability.
As one member stated it is rubbish. The US could do it because it has such a large GDP. And a lot has to do with that large GDP because we have a lot of natural resources (coal, oil, iron ore, etc) and just a much larger nation and population.
The UK government in fact went against an all European program to develop a large transport aircraft (the A400M) to lease then purchase some US made C-17s at great expense. See the same situation with the tanker contract. Boeing while taking the UK money for the C-17s in a free trade agreement use massive government influence to make sure that the USAF did not purchase a European aircraft (ie which the UK is partner in) to be the next tanker. In America our defense industry is one of the most socialists institutions on the earth.
And always remember that the UK lost its massive Empire after WW2 due to the massive loss of men it took in WW2 and the refusal to make a deal with Hitler in 1940. If the UK had made a deal with Hitler -- ie instead of holding out alone for a year and a half -- it would not have lost its Empire which created a massive trade and a massive GDP.
And then after WW2 when most nations were disbanding their military, the British at great expense kept their large navy and army to hold the fort in Europe while the nations that did not come under Stalin's thumb could rebuild under US and UK protection.
And last, for almost three decades the UK British Royal Navy held the fort down in the Indian Ocean, East of Suez. And that cost a lot of money.
Jack E. Hammond
PS> GAWD! I wonder sometimes how the citizens of the UK and Canada put up with us Americans. (For further research look at the percentage of Canadians per population that died in WW1 and WW2.)
Do Americans Care About British Soldiers?
Best regards,
Michael Florence (ex-Leading Seaman Diver, Royal Navy - That's the British Navy!)
Worth or not?
The sheer cost behind this operation to save one soldiers life was it worth it? Only answer to that is yes. He was prepared to die for his country which is the ultimate price so the price to save his life should be greater. We owe it to all our armed forces
For the people who think this is proof that socialized healthcare doesn't work, I'd say this shows that government and health care DO work together well. A private health insurance company would have seen the multi-million dollar bill for this treatment and told the guy to take a hike.
You think all those amazing medical devices this soldier needed were created on the free market? Hell no. Most were invented by researchers working with university, NIH or Army money. The actual care was then provided by the federal gov't, not some private health insurer.
I don't understand why people can't believe the government is capable of amazing things when everyone agrees to work together. The United States Armed Forces is proof of that.
It's a shame when someone tries to hijack what is, after all, a warming human interest story, to try to make cheap political points about 'socialised' health care (shouldn't a true society have the means to care for everyone in that society?) but I think everyone can see how silly that poster is.
I just wish the powers-that-be here in the UK would finally admit that we really are at war, and have been for 7+ years (longer than WW2!), and would put the resources the military needs into its hands, whilst at the same time the armed forces (I'm looking at your RAF) would properly plan what they need - why, as someone posts above, don't we have small, fast emergency ambulance planes, why doesn't the UK have proper battle support planes (like A-10 or AC-130) rather than fast jets hastily modified to drop bombs at great cost? or sufficient helicopters to minimise the risk to all the troops? I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
Finally thanks to Michael for his very informative writing and reports - all we seem to get on the news here is when more troops are killed, so it is nice to read more about what the troops are doing (I'd recommend looking at Ross Kemp's TV series' from Afghanistan, they are a bit simplistic but at least let the soldiers tell their side), so please keep it up. And thanks again to all the allied personal for their efforts in saving this young man's life, I hope he makes a full recovery, and I hope that soon we won't have to read about such things, but I am afraid I doubt that.
Oh, yeah...
I agree that this isn't the right place to make cheap political points about health care, but I'm amazed that you then immediately went on to make a cheap political point about health care...
rep - thanks
even if we had all the equipment we want in the world there would be a significant other problem. manpower. the RAF has fulfilled of its allotted numbers and still some squadrons are running at 30% manpower. there would need to be a significant increase in the numbers of men, especially techies (one of the reasons the HC3's are still mainly in the hanger, not enough techies to convert them all at once)
increases in both require the go-ahead and monetary support from the government and this government abandoned the forces long ago.
"why doesn't the UK have proper battle support planes (like A-10 or AC-130) rather than fast jets hastily modified to drop bombs at great cost?"
all fast jets in RAF service were able to drop bombs before the conflict. there has been no conversion "at great cost". the tornado GR4 is a fighter bomber, the harrier equally as the US can attest. the typhoon and F-35 coming into service also have significant ground attack capabilities. AAC also use our heavily modified apaches for CAS.
are you getting confused with the pre-planned upgrade of the GR4 for the new weapons systems (brimstone etc) that are entering service?
Thank God, yes!
I just hope and pray that the current administrations in the US and England do not cut the budgets for our men and women over there.
Thank God, yes!
rep - thank god yes
the TA (our reservists) despite being heavily deployed in both operations will be suffering cuts of 45% projected.
this is despite the Army asking for an increase in manpower of roughly another 10,000.
never mind the navy and airforce reductions in equipment planned :/
Grateful in WI
I run out of words to express my gratitude for the job all of our fighting men and women.
Proud and thankful for All of the Troops
Best wishes.
a little clarification
if we have a limited pot of money to pay for our services, then surely operation 'now' needs should come first - as toxicseagull states british army troop number cuts are being proposed right now (to take our army well below 100,000 men) and the troops fighting are still waiting for more local airlift (chinooks, merlins etc).
i would finish just by reiterating how proud i am of the british armed forces, and how thankful i am for the friendship of the usa, it just makes me a little angry when i see how poorly our military gets treated by politicians etc.
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